Sunday, December 7, 2008

What does a Gatsby foal look like when it grows up?

SHF BITBURG - You have probably all seen pictures of a really cute foal and thought,
“Wow, I wonder what he will grow up to look like?” Well, here you go! This is SHF Bitburg (2005 out of a TB/QH cross mare). Bitburg is owned by April Hamlin of Sleepy Hound Farm in Elkmont, AL. He was started this year by April and is currently being trained for the Eventing course with a little help from April’s German instructor. April comments, “Burg is, as usual, his spunky self, and is doing extremely well.” Watch for Bitburg at a schooling show this summer. The rider is April’s husband. Apparently his name is… “Husband” :^) What a nice conformation Bitburg has. And boy did this guy ever get his daddy's head! With horses like this, the South really might just rise again!

1 comment:

adhetal said...

Wow, SHF Bitburg does have a gorgeous head! He must be the best-looking Gatsby baby south of the Mason-Dixon line...btw, "Husband" goes by the name Doug Hamlin:)